We brush our shoulders off and keep on moving

I could say many things. But, this time I’m gonna really leave this brief. It might be so brief that nobody will understand my feelings right now. But maybe when I went back to my archive and look for this post I’ll remember everything I felt this day.

And one of those things is how we cannot cry or act sad, we just brush our shoulders off and keep on moving, like the title says. If we fall, we’ll raise up again.


We don’t lose by falling. We lose when we don’t get up and fight another fight. Day after day, life’s failure is only consumated if you choose to side up with failure. If you accept it and stop fighting. That’s it.



Essa história é parte do desafio do Nanowrimo 2020, e está sob a tag “Aconteceu Comigo”. Os fatos são reais, mas algumas informações foram modificadas para segurança dos envolvidos.
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